Yamapi Diary Vol.2604
(14 OCT 2011)

To all the fans who supported NEWS.
I’m sorry if I caused sad thoughts with my decision.
It was a decision that I took after lot of thinking and worrying.

In the end we took two slighty different paths but I want NEWS members and my fans to feel good, I want them to stay hopeful, my feeling haven’t changed.

I think that from now on I’ll experience difficulties I’ve never felt before, I want to cherish the experiences I had with NEWS activities and do my best.

The rail is different but I want us to be nice rivals and be a stimulus to each others.

Then, I want to give to all my fans the best of times, I will pile up and do my very best at each work.

Thank you for following me. Then, I’m thankful to the members who understood my decision.

From tomorrow I’ll write the diary again!